1. The blamer's rebuke within her I've become sick with passion for
Then settled to sleep for the night as my yearning for her grew stronger
١. وَذاتِ لَومٍ عَتَبَت في الَّتي
أَصبَحتُ مِن وَجدي بِها مُرمَضا
2. While she fell asleep peacefully, to slumber turning away
My eyes cannot rest for desire though tightly shut they stay
٢. ثُمَّ اِنتَهَت راقِدَةً لَيلَها
وَأَلفَتِ النَومَ لَها مُعرِضا
٣. وَلَستُ أُغفي إِنَّ كَفَّ الهَوى
تَطرِفُ طَرفي كُلَّما غَمَّضا