1. She said she was sick, so I returned to her, but she was ungrateful
While she's the healthy one and the sick man is the returning one
١. قالَت مَرِضتُ فَعُدتُها فَتَبَرَّمَت
وَهِيَ الصَحيحَةُ وَالمَريضُ العائِدُ
2. By Allah, if all hearts were like hers
No father's heart would ache for his little child
٢. وَاللَهِ لَو أَنَّ القُلوبَ كَقلبِها
ما رَقَّ لِلوَلَدِ الصَغيرِ الوالِدُ
3. She wrote to me not to visit her, so I abandoned her
So she would taste the flavor of abandonment, then I would return
٣. كَتَبَت بِأَن لا تَأتِني فَهَجَرتُها
لِتَذوقَ طَعمَ الهَجرِ ثُمَّ أُعاوِدُ
4. What fault is it of mine if one in need
Knocks at her door, hopeful and loyal?
٤. ماذا عَلَيها أَن يُلِمَّ بِبابِها
ذو حاجَةٍ بِسَلامِهِ مُتَعاهِدُ
5. If my sin was in visiting, then know
That I am insistent on committing sins
٥. إِن كانَ ذَنبي في الزيارَةِ فَاِعلَمي
أَنّي عَلى كَسبِ الذُنوبِ لَجاهِدُ
6. Some people told me she
Is the one I suffer and struggle for
٦. سَمّاكِ لي قَومٌ وَقالوا إِنَّها
لَهيَ الَّتي تَشقى بِها وَتُكابِدُ
7. So I denied them, so their assumption would be
That I love the denying lover
٧. فَجَحَدتُهُم ليَكونَ غَيرَكِ ظَنُّهُم
إِنّي لَيُعجِبُني المُحِبُّ الجاحِدُ
8. Indeed, women envied your beautiful face
The beauty of faces bows to your beautiful face
٨. إِنَّ النِساءَ حَسَدنَ وَجهَكِ حُسنَهُ
حُسنُ الوجوهِ لِحُسنِ وَجهِكِ ساجِدُ
9. The scarf hung on a branch adorned
With a breast that no eager hand could pluck
٩. جالَ الوِشاحُ عَلى قَضيبٍ زانَهُ
رُمّانُ صَدرٍ لَيسَ يُقطَفُ ناهِدُ
10. When I saw the night block my path
And the stagnant darkness tortured me
١٠. لَمّا رأَيتُ اللَيلَ سَدَّ طَريقَهُ
عَنّي وَعَذَبَّني الظَلامُ الراكِدُ
11. The star in the liver of the sky was as if
A blind man lost, with no guide before him
١١. وَالنَجمَ في كَبِدِ السَماءِ كَأَنَّهُ
أَعمى تَحَيَّرَ ما لَدَيهِ قائِدُ
12. I called on the one whose sleep had banished sleepiness
From what I was suffering, while he lay prostrate
١٢. نادَيتُ مَن طَرَدَ الرُقادَ بِنَومِهِ
عَمّا أُعالِجُ وَهوَ خِلوٌ هاجِدُ
13. O you who cracked my heart with your aloofness
You are the sweet affliction, the everlasting one
١٣. يا ذا الَّذي صَدَعَ الفُؤادَ بِصَدِّهِ
أَنتَ البَلاءُ طَريفُهُ وَالتالِدُ
14. You cast separation between my eyelids
So how long will I stay awake, o sleeper?
١٤. أَلقَيتَ بَينَ جُفونِ عَيني فُرقَةً
فَإِلى مَتى أَنا ساهِرٌ يا راقِدُ
15. And how long will I weep while you laugh heedlessly
Turning from me, as I draw near in love and you distance yourself?
١٥. وَإِلى مَتى أَبكي وَتَضحَكُ لاهياً
عَنّي وَأُدني في الهَوى وَتُباعِدُ
16. And how long will I call out to you in the darkness
I cry to you, complain and recite poetry?
١٦. وَإِلى مَتى أَنا هاتِفٌ بِكَ في دُجّىً
أَبكي إِلَيكَ وَأَشتَكي وَأُناشِدُ
17. I wish for my sleep then sleep in bliss
I am one whose wakefulness envies your sleep
١٧. أُردُد رُقادي ثُمَّ نَم في غِبطَةٍ
إِنّي اُمرُؤٌ سَهَري لِنَومِكَ حاسِدُ
18. Affliction befalls and passes from its people
But the affliction of your love increases every day
١٨. يَقَعُ البَلاءُ وَيَنقَضي عَن أَهلِهِ
وَبَلاءُ حُبِّكَ كُلَّ يَومٍ زائِدُ
19. How can I hunt when one like me has no strength
A gazelle who dies when the hunter sees him?
١٩. أَنّى أَصيدُ وَما لِمِثلي قُوَّةٌ
ظَبياً يَموتُ إِذا رآهُ الصائِدُ