
I do not blame her for being angry with you, for she

لا لوم أن غضبت عليك فإنها

1. I do not blame her for being angry with you, for she
Has indeed heard, by your life, a most vile slander.

١. لا لَومَ أَن غَضِبَت عَلَيكَ فَإِنَّها
سَمِعَت لَعَمرُكَ أَعظَمَ البُهتانِ

2. The Messenger alleged that I seduced him -
The Messenger has lied, and so the Revealer of the Qur'an.

٢. زَعَمَ الرَسولُ بِأَنَّني راوَدتُهُ
كَذَبَ الرَسولُ وَمُنزِلِ الفُرقانِ

3. I would never combine two qualities of sin: betrayal
Of you, and the selling of honor so cheaply.

٣. ما كُنتُ أَجمعُ خَصلَتَين خِيانَةً
لَكُمُ وَبَيعَ كَرامَةٍ بِهَوانِ

4. My loved ones have all turned away, as though
They were assigned to learn estrangement.

٤. عَطَفَ الأَحِبَّةُ كُلُّهُم وَكَأَنَّما
قَد وُكِّلَت بِتَعَلُّمِ الهِجرانِ