
With a content heart but angry tongue

وراضي القلب غضبان اللسان

1. With a content heart but angry tongue
He has two natures that do not match

١. وَراضي القَلبِ غَضبانِ اللِسانِ
لَهُ خُلقانِ ما يَتَشابَهانِ

2. He pleases my affection but prolongs my rage
And mixes honor with disgrace for me

٢. يُسِرُّ مَوَدَّتي وَيُطيلُ غَيظي
وَيَمزُجُ لي الكَرامَةَ بِالهَوانِ

3. Grant my tears to my eyes though my tears
Obey you, oh unjust one, and have rebelled against me

٣. هَبي دَمعي لِعَيني إِنَّ دَمعي
مُطيعُكِ يا ظَلومُ وَقَد عَصاني

4. So how can the eyes of one despairing dry up
When ceaseless crying makes them overflow

٤. فَكَيفَ تَجِفُّ عَينا مُستَهامٍ
بِطولِ بُكاهُما تَتَبادَرانِ