1. Although the fasting month is a mercy for people
Affliction has certainly befallen me in it, causing anguish
١. لَئِن كانَ شَهرُ الصَومِ لِلناسِ رَحمَةً
لَقَد حَلَّ بي فيهِ البَلاءُ المُبَرِّحُ
2. An affliction from love, which has continually
Caused the inner hearts of lovers to ulcerate
٢. بَلاءٌ مِنَ الحُبِّ الَّذي لَم تَزَل بِهِ
جَوامِعُ أَكبادِ المُحِبّينَ تَقرَحُ