1. When you grew weary of affection and broke
off the time of love, you said, "It was so, and so!"
١. أَظَلومُ لَمّا أَن مَلِلتِ وَحُلتِ عَن
عَهدِ المَوَدَّةِ قُلتِ كانَ وَكانا
2. You left me like one aggrieved and vexed
whose love at eve to hatred has turned.
٢. وَهَجَرتِني هَجرَ اِمرِئٍ مُتَعَتِّبٍ
أَمسى رِضاهُ عَلى الهَوى غَضبانا
3. Had you, when weary of my love, just said
"I'll stop, I am not man for love always"
٣. لَو كُنتِ حينَ مَلِلتِ وَصلي قُلتِ لي
أُكفُف فَلَستُ مُواصِلاً إِنسانا
4. I would have hid your love within my heart
Kept faithful still, and never turned from you.
٤. لَخَزَنتُ وُدَّكِ في الفُؤادِ وَلَم أَزَل
لَكِ حافِظاً وَمَنَحتُكِ الهِجرانا