
Is it from you, at the time of union, I have the memory of wine?

أمنك للصب عند الوصل تذكار

1. Is it from you, at the time of union, I have the memory of wine?
How can that be when love is both manifest and hidden?

١. أَمِنكَ لِلصَبِّ عِندَ الوَصلِ تَذكارُ
وَكَيفَ والحُبُّ إِظهارٌ وإِضمارُ

2. As for me, when I fall for a maiden,
I never forget her though people change.

٢. أَمّا أَنا فإِذا أَحبَبتُ جَارِيَةً
لَم أَنسَها أَبَداً وَالناسُ أَطوارُ

3. Oh, if only the sons of Eve whom she bore
Would line up following my order, then I'd choose!

٣. يا لَيتَ مَن وَلَدَت حَوّاءُ مِن وَلَدٍ
صُفّوا اِتِّباعاً لأَمرِي ثُمَّ أَختارُ

4. I'm tormented by someone who does me no justice,
Seeking to kill me while my Lord is my protector against him.

٤. إِنيّ بُليتُ بِشَخصٍ لَيسَ يُنصِفُني
باغٍ لِقَتلي وَرَبّي مِنهُ لي جارُ

5. She captivated my heart, soft and pampered,
Like the full moon when it rises, white and fragrant.

٥. صادَت فُؤادِيَ مِكسالٌ مُنَعَّمَةٌ
كَالبَدرِ حينَ بَدا بيضاءُ مِعطارُ

6. A cheek gesturing coquettishly, her wrist hides it
A pearl and her forearm veils her face.

٦. خَودٌ تُشيرُ بِرَخصٍ حَفَّ مِعصَمَهُ
دُرٌّ وَساعِدُهُ لِلوَجهِ سَتّارُ

7. She captivated with an eye and a lip whose pearl she uncovered
So the eye makes sick and the lip enchants.

٧. صادَت بِعَينٍ وَثَغرٍ رَفَّ لُؤلُؤُهُ
فالعَينُ مُمرِضَةٌ وَالثَغرُ سَحّارُ

8. Oh, if only I had a cup forever in my hand
That her mouth had touched, so traces of her remain in it.

٨. يا لَيتَ لي قَدَحاً في رَاحَتي أَبَداً
قَد مَسَّ فَاها فَفيهِ مِنهُ آثارُ

9. Good fortune to a garment of hers! I truly envy it
When it touches her and she fastens the garment's buttons.

٩. طوبَى لِثَوبٍ لَها إِنّي لَأَحسُدُه
إِذا عَلاها وَشَدَّ الثوبَ أَزرارُ

10. I have never been called anything but I remember it
As if a fire has been kindled in my heart.

١٠. ما سُمِّيَت قَطُّ إِلاّ هِجتُ أَذكُرُها
كأَنّما أُشعِلَت في قَلبيَ النارُ

11. O you who ask about my passion to reveal it,
A lover's secrets are bound to show from him.

١١. يا مَن يُسائِلُ عَن وَجدي لِأُظهِرَهُ
إِنَّ المُحِبَّ لتَبدو مِنهُ أَسرارُ

12. So listen to my whispers and look at my gaze,
If you still doubt what's in my breast.

١٢. فَاِسمَع مُناقَلَتي وَاُنظُر إِلى نَظَري
إِن كانَ مِنكَ لِما في الصَدرِ إِنكارُ

13. As for her name, it's hidden, I have no permission,
By God's will, to reveal it to you.

١٣. أَما اِسمُها فَهوَ مَكتومٌ فَلَيسَ لَهُ
مِنّي إِلَيكَ بِإِذنِ اللَهِ إِظهارُ

14. It's as if my heart, since the day I was tried with her,
Is a bird between the sky and earth flying about.

١٤. كَأَنَّما القَلبُ مِن يَومِ اِبتُليتُ بِها
بَينَ السَماءِ وَبَينَ الأَرضِ طَيّارُ

15. Passion whose arrows God has not loosened!
Passion is harmful for God's servants indeed.

١٥. ما لِلهَوى لا أَراشَ اللَهُ أَسهُمَهُ
إِنَّ الهَوى لِعِبادِ اللَهِ ضَرّارُ

16. It commands me by evening a cheek made forbidden
From me, while between us are veils and curtains.

١٦. أَمسى يُكَلِّفُني خَوداً مُمَنَّعَةً
مِنّي وَمِن دونِها حُجبٌ وَأَستارُ

17. She is a gazelle, though if she knew
What's in me, she'd be stirred by yearning and memories.

١٧. تِلكَ الرَبابُ وَلا إِعلانَ لَو عَلِمَت
ما بي لَقَد هاجَها شَوقٌ وَتَذكارُ

18. Long has my standing at her abode's door lasted
Until it's as if I'm a nail driven in the door.

١٨. طالَ الوُقوفُ بِبابِ الدارِ في عِلَلٍ
حَتّى كأَنّي لِبابِ الدارِ مِسمارُ

19. I prolong my standing though I expect no appearance from her,
I stand and to the doors I'm a watcher always.

١٩. إِنّي أُطِيلُ وَإِن لَم أَرجُ طَلعَتَها
وَقِفي وَإِنّي إِلى الأَبوابِ نَظّارُ

20. I say to the abode, as long has my standing there lasted,
After weariness, and my tears flow copiously:

٢٠. أَقولُ لِلدارِ إِذ طالَ الوُقوفُ بِها
بَعدَ الكَلالِ وَماءُ العَينِ مِدرارُ

21. "O abode, do you understand speech about someone,
Or does speech not avail if he speaks profusely?"

٢١. يا دارُ هَل تَفقَهينَ القَولَ عَن أَحَدٍ
أَم لَيسَ إِن قالَ يُغني عَنهُ إِكثارُ

22. "O abode, a gazelle inside you has captivated me!
God bless you—who you contain, O abode!"

٢٢. يا دارُ إِنَّ غَزالاً فيكِ بَرَّحَ بي
لِلَّهِ دَرُّكِ ما تَحوينَ يا دارُ

23. I kept complaining to her about the love of its dweller
Until I saw the structure of the abode collapse.

٢٣. مازِلتُ أَشكو إِلَيها حُبَّ ساكِنِها
حَتّى رَأَيتُ بِناءَ الدارِ يَنهارُ

24. Why should I visit people who don't know me
When none of their family knows me though I visit?

٢٤. ما لي أَزورُ أُناساً لَيسَ يَعرِفُني
مِن أَهلِهِم أَحَدٌ إِنّي لَزَوّارُ

25. But if they accept my excuse, they've been fair
In their judgment, and if they refuse, they've done wrong.

٢٥. أما لَئِن قَبِلوا عُذري لَقَد عَدَلوا
في حُكمِهِم وَلَئِن رَدّوا لَقَد جارُوا

26. They said they'd travel but they neither left nor stayed
Nor were distances too great for them across the desert.

٢٦. قالوا نَسيرُ فَلا ساروا وَلا وَقَفوا
وَلا اِستقَلَّت بِهِم لِلبَينِ أَكوارُ

27. They have no relief being near their abode,
Nor news of them when we're far away.

٢٧. ما عِندَهُم فَرَجٌ في قُربِ دارِهِمُ
وَلا لَنا مِنهمُ في البُعدِ أَخبارُ

28. When those whom my heart craved journey away,
I don't care whether the living stay or leave.

٢٨. إِذا تَرَحَّلَ مَن هامَ الفُؤادُ بِهِم
فَما أُبالي أَقامَ الحَيُّ أَم ساروا