
You told me about her, O Saad, and increased

وحدثتني يا سعد عنها فزدتني

1. You told me about her, O Saad, and increased
My madness, so increase my madness with your tales, O Saad,

١. وَحَدَّثتَني يا سَعدُ عَنها فَزِدتَني
جُنوناً فَزِدني مِن حَديثِكَ يا سَعدُ

2. And I have remained true in my love of Thulayma,
Roaming madly for her, beyond all reason or logic,

٢. وَما زِلتُ في حُبّي ظُلَيمَةَ صادِقاً
أَهيمُ بِها ما فَوقَ وَجدي بِها وَجدُ

3. I love her with a love that my heart has known no other,
It has no before, no after, only her does it know.

٣. هَواها هَوىً لَم يَعلَمِ القَلبُ غَيرَهُ
فَلَيسَ لَهُ قَبلٌ وَلَيسَ لَهُ بَعدُ