
By my life, my writing has not kept me from you,

لعمري ما حبسي كتابي عنكم

1. By my life, my writing has not kept me from you,
Not for estrangement, but the excess messengers embarrass me.

١. لَعَمرِيَ ما حَبسي كِتابِيَ عَنكُمُ
لِهَجرٍ وَلَكِن كَثرَةُ الرُسلِ تَفضَحُ

2. If I have not written to you, it is because
My heart is with you when evening comes and morning breaks.

٢. وَإِن كُنتُ لَم أَكتُب إِلَيكُم فَإِنَّما
فُؤادي إِلَيكُم حينَ أُمسي وَأُصبِحُ

3. Does my greeting some of your people deceive you?
I was only joking, I meant no harm.

٣. أَغَرَّكِ تَسليمي عَلى بَعضِ أَهلِكُم
وَما قُلتُ بَأساً إِنَّما كُنتُ أَمزَحُ

4. My mingling, O Fawz of her family, know for certain
That it is your house I yearn for.

٤. مُخالَطَتي يا فَوزُ أَهلَكِ فَاِعلَمي
يَقيناً بِأَنّي نَحوَ بَيتِكِ أَطمَحُ

5. If I do not grant you love and passion,
Then who, O Fawz, do I love and grant passion?

٥. إِذا أَنا لَم أَمنَحكُمُ الوِدَّ وَالهَوى
فَمَن ذا الَّذي يا فَوزُ أَهوى وَأَمنَحُ

6. I conceal from people what is in me, and sometimes
I mention you until I almost declare it plainly.

٦. أُكاتِمُ خَلق اللَهُ ما بي وَرُبَّما
ذَكَرتُكُمُ حَتّى أَكادُ أُصَرِّحُ

7. So my heart, my messages have longed for you,
And this is my messenger, inarticulate, not eloquent.

٧. فَيا كَبِدي طالَت إِلَيكُم رَسائِلي
وَهَذا رَسولي أَعجَمٌ لَيسَ يُفصِحُ