1. Turn your heart away, O Abbas, looking back
Or else you will die of love for her, perished
١. اِصرِف فُؤادَكَ يا عَبّاسُ مُلتَفِتاً
عَنها وَإِلا فَمُت مِن حُبِّها كَمَدا
2. Indeed, I grant my love to all who are faithful
Attentively, and preserve it if they are absent or present
٢. إِنّي لَأَمنَحُ وُدّي كُلَّ ذي ثِقَةٍ
صِرفاً وَأَحفَظُهُ إِن غابَ أَو شَهِدا
3. I disobeyed, in her, all of God's servants
Whoever blamed me for ignorance or blamed me for wisdom
٣. عَصَيتُ فيها عِباد اللَهُ كُلَّهُمُ
مَن لامَني سَفَهاً أَو لامَني رَشَدا
4. Love was not lost from my heart when she was lost
But my heart the next morning was lost
٤. لَم يُفقَدَ الوُدُّ مِن قَلبي لِمَفقَدِها
لَكِنَّ قَلبي غَداةَ البَينِ قَد فُقِدا
5. Why weep for what is past and the nights are gone
With the days, so be gone too
٥. فيمَ البُكاءُ عَلى ما فاتَ وَاِنجَرَدَت
بِهِ اللَيالي مَعَ الأَيّامَ فَاِنجَرَدا
6. If she were beyond Rome in a country
I would dwell in no other place but that land
٦. لَو أَنَّها مِن وَراءِ الرومِ في بَلَدٍ
ما كُنتُ أَسكُنُ إِلا ذَلِكَ البَلَدا
7. O you who complained of longing from the length of his absence
Be patient, perhaps you will meet the beloved tomorrow
٧. يا مَن شَكا شَوقَهُ مِن طولِ غَيبَتِهِ
اِصبِر لَعَلَّكَ أَن تَلقى الحَبيبَ غَدا
8. The young man will not be able to conceal his secret
Until he speaks of it wherever he sits
٨. لَن يَستَطيعَ الفَتى كِتمانَ خُلَّتِهِ
حَتّى يُحَدِّثَ عَنها أَينَما قَعَدا
9. I used to conceal what I encountered and hide it
My utmost effort, so my patience and composure expired
٩. قَد كُنتُ أَكتُمُ ما أَلقى وَأَستُرُهُ
جُهدي فَأَزهَقَ شَوقي الصَبرَ وَالجَلَدا
10. Until love revealed what it used to conceal
It strained me, and destroyed the soul and body
١٠. حَتّى أَبانَ الهَوى ما كانَ يَستُرُهُ
ضَنّي بِها وَأَبادَ الروحَ وَالجَسَدا
11. Indeed, I found love in the heart, whether still
Like fire, or exceeding the heat of flaming fire
١١. إِنّي وَجَدتُ الهَوى في الصَدرِ إِن رَكَدا
كَالنارِ أَو فاقَ حَرَّ النارِ مُتَّقِدا
12. Fire is extinguished by the coolness of water if mixed
And if you mixed love with water, it would not cool
١٢. النارُ تُطفا بِبَرَدِ الماءِ إِن مُزِجَت
وَلَو مَزَجتَ الهَوى بِالماءِ ما بَرَدا
13. She is my wish, I love her and seek her
While other people desire money and children
١٣. هِيَ المُنى لِيَ أَهواها وَأَطلُبُها
وَسائِرُ الناسِ يَهوى المالَ وَالوَلَدا
14. When I sleep, she comes to me from afar, but when
I wake, the nearness to her has grown far
١٤. إِذا رَقَدتُ دَنَت مِن بُعدِها فَإِذا
أَصبَحتُ أَصبَحَ مِنها القُربُ قَد بَعُدا