
From the sad lute that grieves at eventide

من الدنف الذي يمسي حزينا

1. From the sad lute that grieves at eventide
With heart sore wounded and spirit troubled,

١. مِنَ الدَنِفِ الَّذي يُمسي حَزيناً
وَبَينَ ضُلوعِهِ قَلبٌ مُصابُ

2. To the cheek that hath robbed my heart of sleep
And made my tears flow in anguished rapture,

٢. إِلى الخَودِ الَّتي سَلَبَت فُؤادي
فَأَمسى ما يَسوغُ لَهُ شَرابُ

3. The sleepers slumber, but my eyes find rest
Only in weeping and sad lamenting,

٣. يَنامُ الهاجِعونَ وَنَومُ عَيني
إِذا هَجَعوا بُكاءٌ وَاِنتِحابُ

4. Could letters speak, then on your book, my soul,
Would weep unrestrained, and win your mercy.

٤. فَلَو نَطَقَ الكِتابُ فَدَتكِ نَفسي
بَكى قَلَقاً ليَرحَمَني الكِتابُ