
You have made my heart a dwelling place for affliction,

جعلت محلة البلوى فؤادي

1. You have made my heart a dwelling place for affliction,
And unleashed insomnia upon my slumber.

١. جَعَلتِ مَحَلَّةَ البَلوى فُؤادي
وَسَلَّطتِ السُهادَ عَلى رُقادي

2. You slept deeply while I lost my sleep,
Does not your sleep feel ashamed before my insomnia?

٢. وَنِمتِ خَلِيَّةً وَفَقَدتُ نَومي
أَما اِستَحيا رُقادُكِ مِن سُهادي

3. I will stay silent if you begrudge me my breath,
And keep you safely until the day we meet.

٣. سَأَسكُتُ إِن بَخِلتِ بِجَدعِ أَنفي
وَأَحفَظُكُم إِلى يَومِ التَنادِ

4. I advise you sincere affection from my conscience,
And store the secret of your love in my heart.

٤. وَأَنصَحُكِ المَوَدَّةَ مِن ضَميري
وَأَذخَرُ سِرَّ حُبِّكِ في فُؤادي