
Should my soul depart though I gained no favor from you,

أتذهب نفسي لم أنل منك نائلا

1. Should my soul depart though I gained no favor from you,
And made to you no tryst, no day did I assign?

١. أَتَذهَبُ نَفسي لَم أَنَل مِنكِ نائِلاً
وَلَم أَتَعَلَّل مِنكِ يَوماً بِمَوعِدِ

2. To please you I attempt, no hostile word had I,
In public nor in private, this has been my mind.

٢. أُحاوِلُ ما يُرضيكِ غَيرَ مُجادِلٍ
عَلى كُلِّ حالٍ مِن مَغيبٍ وَمَشهَدِ

3. If I have erred in aught, I swear it was not meant;
From flaw, not from intent, came any fault of mine.

٣. فَإِن جاءَ مِنّي بَعضُ ما تَكرَهينَهُ
فَعَن خَطَإٍ واللَهِ لا عَن تَعَمُّدِ