1. O you who turn away from me, though I've committed no crime
Save that I reveal and conceal for him my love
١. أَيا مُعرِضاً عَنّي وَلَم أَجتَرِم ذَنبا
سِوى أَنَّني أُبدي وَأُخفي لَهُ الحُبّا
2. Does it anger you that I yearn for your companionship?
So do not be angry, my beloved, for to you belong reproaches
٢. أَيُسخِطُكُم أَنّي هَوَيتُ وِصالَكُم
فَلا تَغضَبي يا مُنيَتي فَلَكِ العُتبى
3. I will desist, but I do not see that it will obey me
And I forbid it from what angers you, though to it belongs my heart
٣. سَأَنهى وَلَكِن لا أُراهُ يُطيعُني
وَأَزجُرُ عَمّا فيهِ سُخطٌ لَكِ القَلبا
4. Indeed your love has pleased me until it has humiliated me
And I was before love difficult to attain, of great will
٤. لَقَد راضَني حُبّيكِ حَتّى أَذَلَّني
وَقَد كُنتُ قَبلَ الحُبِّ ذا مَنعَةٍ صَعبا