1. Tell me of Hejaz, for I
Cannot cease thinking of Hejaz
١. خَبِّروني عَنِ الحِجازِ فَإِنّي
لا أَراني أَمَلُّ ذِكرَ الحِجازِ
2. And imagine for me what lies between Butḥān and Fals
Regarding its mosque and surroundings - what rivals it?
٢. وَاِنعَتوا لي ما بَينَ بُطحانَ فَالمَس
جِدَ ما حَولَهُ وَماذا يُوازي
3. For in some of what is there, was a person
Who fulfilled the promised with determination
٣. إِنَّ في بَعضِ ما هُناكَ لَشَخصاً
كانَ يَشفي المَوعودَ بِالإِنجازِ
4. That is a pride - so may Allah disgrace an old man
Who came between me and it with obstacles
٤. تِلكَ فَوزٌ فَقَبَّح اللَهُ شَيخاً
حالَ بَيني وَبَينَها بِالمَخازي
5. So my affliction since it left me has been long
And the girls of my heart, trembling
٥. فَبَلائي مُذ فارَقَتني طَويلٌ
وَبَناتُ الفُؤادِ ذاتُ اِهتِزازِ
6. And my tears created the water of my face
And my heart like a crossing passenger
٦. وَدُموعي قَد أَخلَقَت ماءَ وَجهي
وَفُؤادي كَالراكِبِ المُجتازِ
7. There appeared in faded scrolls, guards
Heavy of shackles and of backs
٧. بَرَزَت في خَرائِدٍ خَفِراتٍ
مُثقَلاتِ الأَكفالِ وَالأَعجازِ
8. And 'Fawz' wished for my encounter while around me
Were vast expanses where talents wander confused
٨. وَتَمَنَّت لِقايَ فَوزٌ وَدوني
فَلَواتٌ تَحارُ فيها الجَوازي
9. So she cried and then said, praying sincerely
For her in supplication without distraction
٩. فَتَباكَينَ ثُمَّ قُلنَ وَأَخلَص
نَ لَها في الدُعاءِ غَيرَ هَوازي
10. May Allah unite Fawz and 'Abbas
And so they lived in joy and pride
١٠. جَمَعَ اللَهُ بَينَ فَوزٍ وَعَبّا
سٍ فَعاشا في غِبطَةٍ وَاِعتِزازِ