
I was unaware of you amidst

كنت ولم أعرفك في غبطة

1. I was unaware of you amidst
The bliss between gardens and tormenting waters

١. كُنتُ وَلَم أَعرِفكِ في غِبطَةٍ
بَينَ جِنانٍ وَمياهٍ عِذاب

2. You brought me out of there and left me with
An illusion made of the lies of clouds

٢. أَخرَجتِني مِنها وَأَعقَبتِني
مُخيلَةً مِن كاذِباتِ السَحاب

3. Until when you made me thirsty, you told me
Beyond you, O thirst, mirages shine

٣. حَتّى إِذا أَعطَشتِني قُلتِ لي
دونَكَ يا ظَمآنُ لَمعَ السَراب

4. If only I had known at first what
I found out later, I would not have suffered this torment

٤. لَو أَنَّني اِستَقبَلتُ مِنكِ الَّذي اِس
تَدبَرتُ لَم أَشقَ بِهَذا العَذاب

5. How long will I write complaining of passion
With you not granting me any response?

٥. حَتّى مَتى أَكتُبُ أَشكو الهَوى
وَلا تَجودينَ بِرَدِّ الجَواب

6. If you do not answer me with what I desire
Then inform me at least my letter reached you

٦. إِن لَم تُجيبيني بِما أَشتَهي
فَخَبِّريني بِوصولِ الكِتاب