
My soul found no rest away from you after you abandoned me,

وما طبت نفسا عنك لما هجرتني

1. My soul found no rest away from you after you abandoned me,
My silence was not out of patience or tranquility,

١. وَما طِبتُ نَفساً عَنكِ لَمّا هَجَرتِني
وَلَيسَ سُكوتي عَن سُلُوٍّ وَلا صَبرِ

2. But I hardened my soul against itself so you may find contentment
In killing me, if you are determined to abandon me,

٢. وَلَكِن سَخَت نَفسي بِنَفسي لِتَبلُغي
رِضاكِ بِقَتلي إِن عَزَمتِ عَلى الهَجرِ

3. And I knew that if I spoke it would hurt me,
So I chose silence over loss

٣. وَأَيقَنتُ أَنّي إِن تَكَلَّمتُ ضَرَّني
كَلامي فَآثَرتُ السُكوتَ عَلى الخُسرِ