1. I wrote and I wish I had died fasting
And I had not written to you what I wrote
١. كَتَبتُ فَلَيتَني مُنّيتُ وَصلاً
وَلَم أَكتُب إِلَيكِ بِما كَتَبتُ
2. I wrote while I drank wine undiluted
So blame not the wine nor the drinking
٢. كَتَبتُ وَقَد شَرِبتُ الراحَ صِرفاً
فَلا كانَ الشَرابُ وَلا شَرِبتُ
3. Reproach me not for my anger against you
Had you been gentle with me I'd not have been angry
٣. فَلا تَستَنكِروا غَضَبي عَلَيكُم
فَلَو هُنتُم عَلَيَّ لَما غَضِبتُ