
Mix me a cup with the water of the Tigris,

امزجا لي بماء دجلة كأسا

1. Mix me a cup with the water of the Tigris,
For I am tired of Euphrates' water.

١. اِمزُجا لي بِماءِ دِجلَةَ كَأساً
إِنَّني قَد مَلَلتُ ماءَ الفُراتِ

2. And I lament the days of yore with my complaint,
The adversities that befell me and the pleasures that spared me.

٢. وَأَندُبا دَهرَنا بِسالِفَتي دِج
لَةَ نَصبو وَنَجتَني اللَذّاتِ

3. For in less than what I remember
There is excuse for weeping eyes.

٣. إِنَّ في دونِ ما تَذَكَّرتُ مِن ذا
كَ لَعُذراً لِأَعيُنِ الباكِياتِ

4. In the bereavement I witnessed
There is joy for beholding eyes.

٤. أَنَّ في المَأتَمِ الَّذي شَهِدَتهُ
لَسُروراً لِأَعيُنِ الناظِراتِ

5. I wish tears could be ransomed,
So that his eyes would spare hers the tears.

٥. وَدَّ لَو يَملِكُ البُكاءَ فَتَفدي
عَينُهُ عَينَها مِنَ العَبَراتِ