
The one devoid of passion is not like one who suffers

ليس الخلي من الهوى كمعذب

1. The one devoid of passion is not like one who suffers
He has not touched the heat of passion before being free

١. لَيسَ الخَلِيُّ مِنَ الهَوى كَمُعَذَّبٍ
لَم يُمسِ مِن حَرِّ الهَوى خِلوا

2. Passion's ordeal is enough, passion has reached
In me O Muhammad, the utmost ordeal

٢. حَسبُ الهَوى بَلوى فَقَد بَلَغَ الهَوى
بي يا مُحَمَّدُ غايَةَ البَلوى

3. Passion left for your brother a free soul
Yearning and an emaciated, melting body

٣. أَبقى الهَوى لِأَخيكَ نَفساً حِرَّةً
حَسرى وَجِسماً ناحِلاً نِضوا

4. And when shame ends with its people
One day, my brother's love is the most harmful

٤. وَإِذا اِنتَهى العَياءُ بِأَهلِهِ
يَوماً فَداءُ أَخي الهَوى الأَدوى