1. O you whose death the graves hastened to embrace
Fate struck me down when it took your life
١. يا مَن تَباشَرتِ القُبورُ بِمَوتِهِ
قَصَدَ الزَمانُ لِمَهلَكي فَرَماكِ
2. I seek a confidant but find no one to console me
Save roaming where once I could find you
٢. أَبغي الأَنيسَ فَلا أَرى لي مُؤنِساً
إِلّا التَرَدُدَ حَيثُ كُنتُ أَراكِ
3. A king wept for you, so long has your loss saddened him
If he could ransom you with his kingdom, he would
٣. مَلِكٌ بَكاكِ فَطالَ بَعدَكِ حُزنُهُ
لَو يَستَطيعُ بِمُلكِهِ لَفَداكِ
4. My heart shelters itself from all women with virtue
So no one but you can enter its sanctuary
٤. يَحمي الفُؤادَ مِنَ النِساءِ حَفيظَةً
كَي لا يَحُلَّ حِمى الفُؤادِ سِواكِ