
O beauty, the finest child born to Eve,

يا زين من ولدت حواء من ولد

1. O beauty, the finest child born to Eve,
Without you, life would not be sweet nor good.

١. يا زَينَ مَن وَلَدَت حَوّاءُ مِن وَلَدٍ
لَولاكَ لَم تَملُحِ الدُنيا وَلَم تَطِبِ

2. I mean she whose image, if God shows a man,
He gains eternity, neither decays nor grows old.

٢. أَعني الَّتي مَن أَراه اللَهُ صورَتَها
نالَ الخُلودَ فَلَم يَهرَم وَلَم يَشِبِ

3. As for meeting, that is something I do not hope for,
So letters hurt you not, if we converse through writing.

٣. أَمّا اللِقاءُ فَشَيءٌ لا أُؤَمِّلُهُ
فَما يَضُرُّكِ لَو ناجَيتِ بِالكُتُبِ