1. The restless fantasy disturbs Abu Al-Fadl,
Of winning - yes, and the specter is enticing.
١. أَزارَ أَبا الفَضلِ الخَيالُ المُؤَرِّقُ
لِفَوزٍ نَعَم وَالطَيفُ مِمّا يُشَوِّقُ
2. The eyes of the wakeful sleep soundly,
While my eyes overflow with tears.
٢. تَنامُ عُيونُ الكاشِحينَ قَريرَةً
وَعَيني بِأَصنافِ البُكا تَتَدَفَّقُ
3. How strange are the eyes - their sleep brings rest
While the tears flow freely from them.
٣. فَيا عَجَباً لِلعَينِ أَمّا رُقادُها
فَعانٍ وَأَمّا الدَمعُ مِنها فَمُطلَقُ
4. People are but lovers and doters;
No good comes from those who do not love and yearn.
٤. وَما الناسُ إِلّا العاشِقونَ ذَوو الهَوى
وَلا خَيرَ فيمَن لا يُحِبُّ وَيَعشَقُ
5. I am amazed that Fawz has frightened me with her distance,
Though she knows I fear separation.
٥. عَجِبتُ لِفَوزٍ خَوَّفَتني بِبَينِها
وَقَد عَلِمَت أَنّي مِنَ البَينِ مُشفِقُ
6. The pilgrims were fortunate with you among them,
And rightly so, for then they prospered and succeeded.
٦. لَقَد سَعِدَ الحُجّاجُ إِذ كُنتِ فيهِمُ
وَحُقَّ لَهُم أَن يَسعَدوا وَيُوَفَّقوا
7. When I reproach her, she says “By your life, we fear
Though we are zealous, we are afraid and anxious.”
٧. إِذا لُمتُها قالَت وَعَيشِكَ إِنَّنا
حِراصٌ وَلَكِنّا نَخافُ وَنُشفِقُ
8. If you long to visit us, know that
We too desire what you say.
٨. وَإِن كُنتَ مُشتاقاً إِلى أَن تَزورَنا
فَنَحنُ إِلى ما قُلتَ مِن ذاكَ أَشوَقُ
9. How excellent is her speech - I forget all else
When she says “Go forth without provisions, for you are doomed.”
٩. فَما أَنسَ مِلأَشياءِ لا أَنسَ قَولَها
أَلا اُخرُج بِلا زادٍ فَإِنَّكَ موبَقُ
10. She had vowed, if God spared her life
And mine, to fast a month and emancipate a slave.
١٠. وَقَد نَذَرَت إِن سَلَّم اللَهُ نَفسَها
وَنَفسي لَها شَهراً تَصومُ وَتُعِتِقُ
11. When we set out, she sighed and breathed freely,
And tears of passion flowed down her cheeks.
١١. فَلَمّا خَرَجنا اِستَعبَرَت وَتَنَفَّسَت
وَبادَرَها دَمعُ الهَوى يَتَرَقرَقُ