1. Do you aspire, O Abbas, to the unattainable?
You have wandered far, leave this fruitless longing!
١. أَتَطمَعُ يا عَبّاسُ في غَيرِ مَطمَعِ
بَعُدتَ دَعِ التَطلابَ مِن كَثَبٍ دَعِ
2. Have you not seen how the ropes of passion
Ensnared David the prophet, whether you have heard or not?
٢. أَلَم تَرَ داوُدَ النَبِيَّ هَوَت بِهِ
حِبالُ الهَوى فيما سَمِعتَ أَو اِسمَعِ
3. And passion has always been hostile to people
Harming them since the time of Ad and Tubba'.
٣. وَمازالَ لِلناسِ الهَوى ذا عَداوَةٍ
مُضِرّاً بِهِم مُذ عَهدِ عادٍ وَتُبَّعِ
4. It seems the sorrows of jinn and mankind
Have lodged in my heart, they exceed it and my ribs.
٤. كَأَنَّ هُمومَ الجِنِّ وَالإِنسِ أُسكِنَت
فُؤادي فَما تَعدو فُؤادي وَأَضلُعي
5. The mounts of night have knelt down on all sides,
And the stars of night have retreated from their positions.
٥. أُنيخَت رِكابُ اللَيلِ مِن كُلِّ جانِبٍ
وَحادَت نُجومُ اللَيلِ عَن كُلِّ مَوقِعِ
6. If the minds of people were revealed, every suckling babe
Would be weaned from its wet nurse.
٦. وَلَو أَنَّ خَلقَ اللَهُ حَلَّت صُدورَهم
تَباريحُ ما بي سُيِّبَت كُلُّ مُرضِعِ
7. My soul complained to me of longing and love,
So I said, “You have sought the affection of one who refuses!”
٧. شَكَت ما بِها نَفسي مِنَ الشَوقِ وَالهَوى
فَقُلتُ لَقَد طالَبتِ وِدَّ مُمَنَّعِ
8. This love of yours was but stubbornness,
Had you wished otherwise, you would not have desired or aspired.
٨. وَما كانَ مِنكِ العِشقُ إِلّا لَجَاجَةً
وَلَو شِئتِ لَم تَهوي وَلَم تَتَطَلَّعي
9. It is but what you see, and the passionate lover
Struggles with a burden, so be patient or split apart!
٩. وَما هُوَ إِلّا ما تَرَينَ وَذو الهَوى
يُعالِجُ ثِقلاً فَاِصبِري أَو تَقَطَّعي
10. May God one day grant respite with mercy,
And vindicate me from my disgracer and terrifier.
١٠. عَسى اللَهُ أَن يَرتاحَ يَوماً بِرَحمَةٍ
فيُنصِفَني مِن فاضِحي وَمُرَوِّعي
11. By my life! It varies between one madly wandering
And one relaxed while his mind is bidding farewell.
١١. لَعَمري لَشَتّى بَينَ حَرّانَ هائِمٍ
وَبَينَ رَخِيٍّ بالُهُ مُتَوَدِّعِ
12. I concealed her name with the concealment of one who protects his honor
And is wary of vile eavesdropping.
١٢. كَتَمتُ اِسمَها كِتمانَ مَن صانَ عِرضَهُ
وَحاذَرَ أَن يَفشو قَبيحُ التَسَمُّعِ
13. So I called her Fawz, though had I declared her name
I would have named her with a tremendous, horrendous name!
١٣. فَسَمّيتُها فَوزاً وَلَو بُحتُ بِاِسمِها
لَسُمّيتُ بِاِسمٍ هائِلِ الذِكرِ أَشنَعِ
14. Oh my regret that carving has not fulfilled my appetite,
Nor has the length of this pleading helped me.
١٤. فَوا حَسرَتي إِن نُحتُ لَم تُقضَ نَهمَتي
وَلَم يُغنِ عَنّي طولُ هذا التَضَرُّعِ
15. I gifted her my soul, but she was miserly in uniting with me,
What a giver you are, and what a withholder!
١٥. وَهَبتُ لَها نَفسي فَضَنَّت بِوَصلِها
فَيا لَكَ مِن مُعطٍ وَمِن مُتَمَنِّعِ
16. To you I complain of my affliction,
And I have tasted the flavor of death, had it not been for your encouragement.
١٦. إِلَيكِ بِنَفسي أَنتِ أَشكو بَلِيَّتي
وَقَد ذُقتُ طَعمَ المَوتِ لَولا تَشَجُّعي
17. Grant me my blood, do not kill me without blood,
For the chaste do not deserve murder.
١٧. هَبي لي دَمي لا تَقتُليني بِلا دَمٍ
فَما يَستَحِلُّ القَتلَ أَهلُ التَوَرُّعِ
18. Whenever the eye remembers you one day,
My tears flow down my cheeks in fours.
١٨. إِذا ذَكَرَتكِ العَينُ يَوماً تَبادَرَت
دُموعي عَلى الخَدَّينِ تَجري بِأَربَعِ
19. So end all my worries with a separation
From union, leaving for me even a finger's worth.
١٩. فيا كُلَّ هَمّي أَقطِعيني قَطيعَةً
مِنَ الوَصلِ تَبقى لي وَلَو قَدرَ إِصبَعِ
20. I am your slave, so if you wish, torment me,
And if you wish, favor me however you want and do as you please.
٢٠. أَنا لَكِ مَملوكٌ فَإِن شِئتِ عَذِّبي
وَإِن شِئتِ مُنّي أَيَّ ذا شِئتِ فَاِصنَعي
21. You want none but a caring advisor,
So I am the obedient one, voluntarily submitting.
٢١. تُريدينَ إِلّا مُشفِقاً ذا نَصيحَةٍ
فَدونَكِ حَبلَ الطائِعِ المُتَطَوِّعِ
22. The sign between me and you is that you see
A sealed letter, the seal a square.
٢٢. عَلامَةُ ما بَيني وَبَينَكِ أَن تَرَي
كِتاباً عَلَيهِ فَصُّ خَتمٍ مُرَبَّعِ
23. A bracelet whose edges are soft,
And in its engraving, “O ear of Fawz, listen!”
٢٣. مُسَلسَلَةً حافاتُهُ في لَطافَةٍ
وَفي نَقشِهِ يا أُذنَ فَوزٍ تَسَمَّعي
24. I wished you would quench my thirst for love,
And graze in the meadows of love’s agony.
٢٤. تَمَنَّيتُ أَن تُسقَي مِنَ الحُبِّ شَربَتي
وَأَن تَرتَعي مِن لَوعَةِ الحُبِّ مَرتَعي
25. That you would be my morning and retire
When the night casts its veil like your retiring.
٢٥. وَأَن تُصبِحي صُبحي وَأَن تَتَضَجَّعي
إِذا اللَيلُ أَلقى سِترَهُ كَتَضَجُّعي
26. It is enough that I have been tested by love, and that
Whenever I say I have wept, my tears flow.
٢٦. بِحَسبِ الهَوى أَن قَد بُليتُ وَأَنَّني
مَتى ما أَقُل قَد غاضَ دَمعِيَ يَهمَعِ
27. I returned, and some of the return was bitter,
The meadows of passion from every slope are a pasture.
٢٧. وَرَدتُ وَبَعضُ الوِردِ فيهِ مَرارَةٌ
حِياضَ الهَوى مِن كُلِّ أَفيَحَ مُترَعِ
28. So I continued to toast her with two cups, whenever
I drank from one cup, its sister remained with me.
٢٨. فَما زِلتُ أَحسوها بِكَأَسَينِ كُلَّما
شَرِبتُ بِكَأسٍ لَم تَزَل أُختُها مَعي
29. I passed them from every basin to my mouth,
At times to provoke, at others to a drinking place.
٢٩. أُديرُهُما مِن كُلِّ حَوضٍ إِلى فَمي
فَطَوراً لِإِدلاءٍ وَطَوراً لِمَجرَعِ
30. With thirst, until the meadows of passion appeared
Spread out after my pasture was spread.
٣٠. عَلى عَطَشٍ حَتّى بَدَت وَهيَ مَشرَعٌ
حَياضُ الهَوى مِن بَعدِ إيرادِ مَشرَعي
31. I wavered, my joints loosened from intoxication,
I sway like the trunk of a shaking palm tree.
٣١. وَوَلَّيتُ قَد زَلَّت لِسُكري مَفاصِلي
أَميلُ كَجِذعِ النَخلَةِ المُتَزَعزِعِ