
The doctor was sympathetic to the sick

ضن الطبيب على المري

1. The doctor was sympathetic to the sick
And treated the afflicted with his medicines

١. ضَنَّ الطَبيبُ عَلى المَري
ضِ المُبتَلى بِدَوائِهِ

2. What can the youth do if abandoned
By those he trusted and held dear?

٢. ما يَصنَعُ الصَبُّ الحَزي
نُ جَفاهُ أَهلُ صَفائِهِ

3. Nothing but patience
Until he dies of his illness

٣. لا شَيءَ إِلا صَبرُهُ
حَتّى يَموتَ بِدائِهِ

4. Or gets relief from his suffering
When alone with his weeping

٤. أَو يَشتَفي مِمّا يُجِنَّ
إِذا خَلا بِبُكائِهِ