
A book of the oppressed to the oppressor

كتاب مظلوم إلى ظالم

1. A book of the oppressed to the oppressor
Complaining to him of burning adversity

١. كِتابُ مَظلومٍ إِلى ظالِمِ
يَشكو إِلَيهِ مِن جَوىً لازِمِ

2. O you who are unjust in your rule
Come if you wish to the judge

٢. يا أَيُّها الجائِرُ في حُكمِهِ
هَلُمَّ إِن شِئتَ إِلى حاكِمِ

3. You are not good in what we see
From you, nor is your link with the Eternal

٣. ما أَنتَ بِالمُحسِنِ فيما نَرى
مِنكَ وَلا وَصلُكَ بِالدائِمِ

4. I spent my night confused
Awake but not asleep

٤. أَبيتُ ليلي كُلَّهُ هائِماً
لَستُ بِيَقظانَ وَلا نائِمِ

5. You exceeded the utmost in injustice
O beloved, had you been fair, you would not have sinned

٥. جاوَزتَ في الجَورِ المَدى كُلَّهُ
يا حِبُّ لَو أَنصَفتَ لَم تَاثَمِ