
You sleep, unaware of the night of passion,

تنامين لا تدرين ما ليل ذي هوى

1. You sleep, unaware of the night of passion,
And what wakefulness does to the lovesick, restless one.

١. تَنامينَ لا تَدرينَ ما لَيلُ ذي هَوىً
وَما يَفعَلُ التَسهيدُ بِالهائِمِ الصَبِّ

2. Ask about my night's vigil, whoever saw that affliction,
For I spent the night in torment and hardship.

٢. سَلي عَن مَبيتي مَن رَأى ذَلِكَ البَلا
فَباتَ مَبيتي في عَذابٍ وَفي كَربِ

3. I endured desire until, as the millstone turns,
I made my heart for it a fixed pole.

٣. أَدَرتُ الهَوى حَتّى إِذا كانَ كالرَحى
جَعَلتُ لَهُ قَلبي بِمَنزِلَةِ القُطبِ

4. An ignorant woman who knows not the taste of love,
Yet she left me the most knowledgeable man of love.

٤. وَجاهِلَةٍ بِالحُبِّ لَم تَدرِ طَعمَهُ
وَقَد تَرَكَتني أَعلَمَ الناسِ بِالحُبِّ

5. She set upon my heart a watcher and observer,
So nothing can convey to my heart but her.

٥. أَقامَت عَلى قَلبي رَقيباً وَناظِري
فَلَيسَ يُؤَدّي عَن سِواها إِلى قَلبي

6. I used to complain of her rebukes and reprimands,
But she pained me with reproach and blame.

٦. وَقَد كُنتُ أَشكو عَتبَها وَعِتابَها
فَقَد فَجَعَتني بِالعِتابِ وَبِالعَتبِ

7. I thirst, denied access to you,
As the wanderer thirsts for cool, fresh water.

٧. وَأَظمَأُ مَمنوعَ الوُرودِ إِلَيكُمُ
كَما يَظمَأُ الصادي إِلى البارِدِ العَذبِ

8. And she says in ignorance, “If only she
Would encounter what I face of effort and hardship!”

٨. وَقائِلَةٍ بِالجَهلِ يا لَيتَ أَنَّها
تُلاقي الَّذي تَلقى مِنَ الجُهدِ وَالكَربِ

9. I said to her, “I do not wish to befall her
My afflictions, but some of the love I have.”

٩. فَقُلتُ لَها ما أَشتَهي أَن يُصيبَها
بَلائي وَلَكِن بَعضُ ما بي مِنَ الحُبِّ

10. By my life! If the one brought near you
Is of sincere passion, I deserve nearness.

١٠. لَعَمري إِن كانَ المُقَرِّبُ مِنكُمُ
هَوىً صادِقاً إِنّي لَمُستَوجِبُ القُربِ

11. I will tend, though I earned no tenderness from you,
And bring blame upon myself, though I am not to blame.

١١. سَأَرعى وَما اِستَوجَبتِ مِنّي رِعايَةً
وَأُنزِلُ بي ذَنباً وَلَستُ بِذي ذَنبِ