
O you whose heart is lost in passion's maze,

يا من تمادى قلبه في الهوى

1. O you whose heart is lost in passion's maze,
The flood with you has flowed, unknowing;

١. يا مَن تَمادى قَلبُهُ في الهَوى
سالَ بِكَ السَيلُ وَلا تَدري

2. To what ascetic heights have you now turned
In piety, like virtuous Hasan!

٢. أَبَعدَ ما قَد صِرتَ أُحدوثَةً
بِالنُسكِ مِثلَ الحَسَنِ البَصري

3. A body once so hale you've weakened now,
Your heart on living coals now tossing;

٣. أَسقَمتَ جِسماً كانَ ذا صِحَّةٍ
مُقَلَّبَ القَلبِ عَلى الجَمرِ

4. No anguished cry will aid me with you all,
Nor can I now find patience in my soul.

٤. لا جَزَعي يَنفَعُني عِندَكُم
شَيئاً وَلا أَصبِرُ لِلصَبرِ

5. What I inside conceal is as a mote
Upon the sea's immensity;

٥. إِنَّ الَّذي أُظهِرُ عِندَ الَّذي
أُضمِرُ كَالنُقطَةِ في البَحرِ

6. A day to me's a year until I see
Your face; an hour's a month now hollowly.

٦. اليَومُ مِثلُ العامِ حَتّى أَرى
وَجهَكِ وَالساعَةُ كَالشَهرِ

7. And by my God, but for my constant gaze
To sun or moon when you are far away,

٧. وَاللَهِ لَولا نَظَري كُلَّما
غابَت إِلى الشَمسِ أَوِ البَدرِ

8. I could not curb my soul and its caprice,
Nor settle down my heart beat steadfastly,

٨. أُعَلِّلُ النَفسَ بِأَشباهِها
لَما اِستَقَرَّ القَلبُ في الصَدرِ

9. As though it were a crystal cup brimful
Of musk and wine in mingled rarity,

٩. كَأَنَّ كَأساً سَلسَبيلِيَّةً
مَملوءَةً بِالمِسكِ وَالخَمرِ

10. Whose inmost essence, far beyond all ken,
Is only known to me in phantasy.

١٠. طَعمُ ثَناياها بُعَيدَ الكَرى
أَخبُرُهُ مِنها بِلا خُبرِ

11. That cup whose draft, if I could drink thereof,
No other sickness would I know till death.

١١. تِلكَ الَّتي لَو ذُقتُ مِن رِيقِها
ما ذُقتُ سُقماً آخِرَ الدَهرِ

12. Why should your people, who no perfume see,
Find fault with you who are perfume itself?

١٢. ماذا عَلى أَهلِكِ أَن لا يَروا
عِطراً وَأَنتِ العِطرُ لِلعِطرِ

13. She who reproached me for what fancied thing,
Knows not what stuff man's true life's made of.

١٣. أَمّا الَّتي عاتَبتِ في أَمرِها
بِما تَظُنّينَ مِنَ الأَمرِ

14. I've done no evil, only thought of her;
Then punish me, for God rules equity,

١٤. فَهوَ كَما قُلتِ وَلَكِنَّني
لَم أَرتَكِب شَيئاً سِوى الذِكرِ

15. Just arbiter of odd and even numbers.
One glance has marred my heart, that wanton boy,

١٥. فعاقِبيني إِنَّني حالِفٌ بِاللَهِ
رَبِّ الشَفعِ وَالوَترِ

16. Who by his eyes and lips can sorcery.
Had I but known he was a sorcerer,

١٦. أَفسَدَ قَلبي شادِنٌ أَحوَرٌ
يَسحَرُ بالعَينَينِ وَالثَغرِ

17. Against his spells I would have taken pre-

١٧. لَو كُنتُ أَدري أَنَّهُ ساحِرٌ
عَلَّقتُ تَعويذاً مِنَ السِحرِ

18. I used to greet him mildly, taking pains
Lest any pride in him my greeting spurn.

١٨. كُنتُ أُهادِيهِ سَلامي فَلا
يَدخُلُهُ شَيءٌ مِنَ الكِبرِ

19. But when I spoke to him of love, he cried
Abuse and bitter, angry words in turn.

١٩. حَتّى إِذا خاطَبتُهُ بِالهَوى
خاطَبَني بِالسَبِّ وَالزَجرِ

20. Would he but come again, and we'd return
To what we were, until the judgment day.

٢٠. فَلَيتَهُ عادَ وَعُدنا لَهُ
بِمِثلِ ما كُنّا إِلى الحَشرِ

21. Without this estrangement, love were sweet;
God guard us against all rejecting way!

٢١. لَو لَم يَكُن هَجرٌ لَطابَ الهَوى
أَعاذَنا اللَهُ مِنَ الهَجرِ