
You turned to me until when you saw me clearly

تعرضت لي حتى إذا ما استبيتني

1. You turned to me until when you saw me clearly
I saw you gliding in the image of the full moon

١. تَعَرَّضتِ لي حَتّى إِذا ما اِستَبَيتِني
رَأَيتُكِ تَختالينَ في صورَةِ البَدرِ

2. You frowned and your glance brought me no joy
As shyness veiled you with cover

٢. صَدَدتِ فَما هَنَّأتِني مِنكِ نَظرَةً
إِلَيكِ وَوارَتكِ الوَلائِدُ بِالسَترِ

3. If my eyes you see not worthy of a glance
Towards you, not holding to the reins of the matter

٣. فَإِن لَم تَرَي عَينَيَّ أَهلاً لِنَظرَةٍ
إِلَيكِ وَلَم تَستَمسِكي بِعُرى الأَمرِ

4. Then how much have my eyes wept over you
Enduring the night's length with wakefulness and remembrance

٤. فَكَم قَد بَكَت عَيني عَلَيكِ وَعالَجَت
مُقاساةَ طولِ الليلِ بِالسُهدِ وَالذِكرِ

5. And my eyes will not be quenched from the ever flowing tears
Over you, even if I cried until the day of resurrection

٥. وَما تَشتَفي عَينايَ مِن دائِمِ البُكا
عَلَيكِ وَلو أَنّي بَكَيتُ إِلى الحَشرِ