
My night was long by the garden side

طال ليلي بجانب البستان

1. My night was long by the garden side
With my beloved's maid and chrysanthemum beside

١. طالَ لَيلي بِجانِبِ البُستانِ
مَع جَواري المَهدِيِّ وَالخَيزُرانِ

2. O lovers, rise, let us together cry
And to the Merciful our sorrows confide

٢. أَيُّها العاشِقونَ قوموا جَميعاً
نَشتَكي ما بِنا إِلى الرَحمَنِ

3. When her maid brought tidings of her boss
She wept for me, my suffering did embody

٣. إِنَّ فَوزاً لَمّا أَتاها الجَواري
يَتَباكَينَني لِمَا قَد شَجاني

4. She pleaded on my behalf and swore
Upon what she recalled solemnly

٤. وَتَعَطَّفنَها عَلَيَّ وَيَحلِف
نَ عَلى ما ذَكَرنَ بِالأَيمانِ

5. She sent to me gum she had chewed
Above an apple and basil beside

٥. أَرسَلَت بِاللُبانِ قَد مَضَغَتهُ
فَوقَ تُفّاحَةٍ عَلى رَيحانِ

6. With her miswak that Allah did endow
Upon her from the purest branches wide

٦. وَبِمِسواكِها الَّذي اِختارَهُ اللَ
هُ لِفيها مِن أَطيَبِ الأَغصانِ

7. I found a scent like that of paradise
When I smelled that gum she sent to me

٧. فَكَأَنّي وَجَدتُ ريحاً مِن الفِر
دَوسِ فاحَت مِن ريح ذاكَ اللُبانِ

8. As if the miswak was from Fawz herself
The purest plant in the gardens heavenly

٨. وَكَأَنَّ المِسواكَ مِسواكَ فَوزٍ
أَخلَصُ النَبتِ في رياضِ الجِنانِ

9. My people what is sweeter than the draught
From her mouth that she let me drink bounteously

٩. أَيُّ شَيءٍ يا قَومُ أَطيَبُ مِن شَي
ءٍ سَقَتهُ مِن ريقِها فَسَقاني

10. I wonder if to her I can find a way
To see her in seclusion privately

١٠. لَيتَ شِعري هَل لي إِلَيها سَبيلٌ
فَأَراها في خَلوَةٍ وَتَراني

11. O maids intercede for me, O maids
Stop describing what has tied my tongue eternally

١١. يا جَواري فَاِشفَعنَ لي يا جَواري
كَلَّ عَن وَصفِ ما لَقيتُ لِساني