1. I am absent from you with a love that time and distance do not change
If I live, perhaps fate will reunite us one day
١. أَغيبُ عَنكِ بِوُدٍّ لا يُغَيِّرُهُ
نَأيُ المَحَلِّ وَلا صَرفٌ مِنَ الزَمَنِ
2. And if I die, I will be a martyr to sorrow and grief
God has made everything you do seem beautiful in my eyes
٢. فَإِن أَعِش فَلَعَلَّ الدَهرَ يَجمَعُنا
وإِن أَمُت فَقَتيلُ الهَمِّ وَالحَزَنِ
3. So that I see beauty in what is not beautiful
You are kept from corresponding with me by your preoccupations
٣. قَد زَيَّنَ اللَهُ في عَينَيَّ ما صَنَعت
حَتّى أَرى حَسَناً ما لَيسَ بِالحَسَنِ
4. But preoccupation is of the heart, not of the body
٤. تَعتَلُّ بِالشُغلِ عَنّا ما تُكاتِبُنا
والشُغلُ لِلقَلبِ لَيسَ الشُغلُ لِلبَدَنِ