1. Longing has clothed him in its garments
So he is beset with worry and torment
١. أَلبَسَهُ الشَوقُ تَباريحَهُ
فَعِندَهُ هَمٌّ وَتَعذيبُ
2. And longing has kindled in his heart
A fire, so within his breast there is burning
٢. وَأَوقَدَ الشَوقُ عَلى قَلبِهِ
ناراً فَفي الأَحشاءِ تَلهيبُ
3. He pays no heed to those who blame him
For she who tries him is his beloved
٣. لَيسَ بِسَمّاعٍ لِمَن لامَهُ
إِنَّ الَّذي أَبلاهُ مَحبوبُ
4. Rather, his longing has stirred for her
A sweet one, who is the due of the noble
٤. وَإِنَّما هاجَ لَهُ شَوقَهُ
طَيِّبَةٌ يَحظى بِها الطيبُ