
With every path, a watcher lies in wait for me,

بكل طريق لي من الحب راصد

1. With every path, a watcher lies in wait for me,
His hands holding a sword for passion and a spear for desire;

١. بِكُلِّ طَريقٍ لي مِن الحُبِّ راصِدٌ
بِكَفَّيهِ سَيفٌ لِلهَوى وَسِنانُ

2. I have no escape from it, though indeed
I would shy from it - for lovers are weak;

٢. وَمَا لي عَنهُ مِن مَفَرٍّ وَإِنَّني
لَأَجبُنُ عَنهُ وَالمُحِبُّ جَبانُ

3. So I stand now between the door and the house, with
No rest, and no safety if I venture out;

٣. فَقَد صِرتُ بَينَ البابِ وَالدارِ لَيسَ لي
مَقامٌ وَلا لي إِن خَرَجتُ أَمانُ

4. I never intended to show patience for one I love,
Nor betray in any I see as traitorous.

٤. وَما سُمتُ نَفسي الصَبرَ عَمَّن أُحِبُّهُ
وَلا خُنتُهُ فيمَن أَراه يُخانُ