
We used to reproach you during your days

كنا نعاتبكم ليالي عهدكم

1. We used to reproach you during your days
Sweet to the taste, and in you is one to be reproached

١. كُنّا نُعاتِبُكُم لَيالِيَ عَهدُكُم
حُلوُ المَذاقِ وَفيكُمُ مُستَعتَبُ

2. But today when change from you has appeared
Reproach is gone, and for you there is no escape

٢. فَاليَومَ حينَ بَدا التَغَيُّرُ مِنكُمُ
ذَهَبَ العِتابُ وَلَيسَ عَنكُم مَذهَبُ

3. And we do see you, sincere in passion
And our time with you, settled, not turbulent

٣. وَلَقَد نَراكِ وَأَنتِ صادِقَةُ الهَوى
وَزَمانُنا بِكِ ساكِنٌ لا يَشغَبُ

4. Days that convey between us our news
One with trimmed mustache, kohl-lined eyes, reddened hands

٤. أَيامَ يَنقُلُ بَينَنا أَخبارَنا
ذو قُرطَقٍ مُتَكَحِّلٌ مُتَخَضِّبُ