
I abandoned pleasures fearing intoxication

هجرت الندامى خشية السكر إنما

1. I abandoned pleasures fearing intoxication
For a man loses his secrets when drunk

١. هَجَرتُ النَدامى خَشيَةَ السُكرِ إِنَّما
يُضيعُ الفَتى أَسرارَهُ حينَ يَسكَرُ

2. And abstinence was better for me, had I been patient
But who can be patient from the separation of loved ones?

٢. وَقَد خيرَ لي في الهَجرِ لَو كُنتُ صابِراً
وَمَن ذا عَلى هَجرِ الأَحِبَّةِ يَصبِرُ

3. I test myself with this estrangement, perhaps
My passion will grow when I abandon it

٣. أُجَرِّبُ بِالهِجرانِ نَفسي لَعَلَّها
تُفيقُ فَيَزدادُ الهَوى حينَ أَهجُرُ

4. And I fear it would transgress if I profess my love
So I conceal it with all my might, though it appears

٤. وَأَحذَرُ أَن تَطغى إِذا بُحتُ بِالهَوى
فَأَكتُمُها جُهدي هَواها وَيَظهَرُ

5. I am jealous over my eyes for her, as if
When my eyes desire another, they cannot see

٥. أَغارُ عَلى طَرفي لَها وَكَأَنَّما
إِذا رامَ طَرفي غَيرَها لَيسَ يُبصِرُ

6. No glance has met me since I knew her
So I look but see her likeness wherever I look

٦. وَما عَرَضَت لي نَظرَةٌ مُذ عَرَفتُها
فَأَنظُرُ إِلاّ مُثِّلَت حَيثُ أَنظُرُ

7. So trust me for what has appeared to you
And there is more that I hide and conceal

٧. فَيا واثِقاً مِنّي بِما قَد بَدا لَهُ
وَأَكثَرُ مِنهُ ما أُجِنُّ وَأُضمِرُ

8. Consider, for you know not, perhaps you will be tested
With what is in me, and my heart will wake and be patient

٨. تَفَكَّر فَما تَدري لَعَلَّكَ تُبتَلى
بِما بي وَيَصحو عَنكَ قَلبي وَيَصبِرُ

9. Those nights recall our pact in them
And the lamp of affection flourishes

٩. أَراجِعَةٌ تِلكَ اللَيالي كَعَهدِنا
بِهِنَّ وَمِصبَاحُ المَوَدَّةِ يَزهَرُ

10. When she tries to stand it by herself, weakness
Prevents her, the mattresses are too short

١٠. إِذا ما اِستَقَلَّت رَدَّها عَن قِيامِها
لها عَجُزٌ عَنهُ المَآزِرُ تَقصُرُ

11. O you who foolishly forbid her!
My passion has increased since you forbade

١١. أَلا أَيُّها الناهونَ عَنها سَفاهَةً
قَدِ اِزدادَ وَجدي مُذ نَهَيتُم فَأَقصِروا