
My protector is God against you if you oppress me

نصيري الله منك إذا اعتديت

1. My protector is God against you if you oppress me
Though you have tortured my heart when you were harsh

١. نَصيري اللَهُ مِنكِ إِذا اِعتَدَيتِ
وَقَد عذَّبتِ قَلبي إِذ جَفَوتِ

2. And if this be out of spiteful malice
By God, O my hope, you have quenched my thirst

٢. فَإِن يَكُ ذا مُغايَظَةً لِحِقدٍ
فَقَد وَاللَهِ يا أَمَلي اِشتَفَيتِ

3. Your love has crept into my bones
And your passion has made me just as I desired

٣. قَضى بِالسَبكِ حُبُّكِ في عِظامي
وَصَيَّرَني هَواكِ كَما اِشتَهَيتِ

4. Had He who tested me with you willed
He would have hastened my relief from you with my death

٤. فَلَو شاءَ الَّذي بِكُمُ اِبتَلاني
لَعَجَّلَ راحَتي مِنكُم بِمَوتي