1. Alas! Fawz has taken Abu Al-Fadl's mind away,
And I've never known a man to live without a mind.
١. أَلا ذَهَبَت فَوزٌ بِعَقلِ أَبي الفَضلِ
وَما خِلتُ إِنساناً يَعيشُ بِلا عَقلِ
2. To God I complain that Fawz is so miserly,
Tormenting me with promises and procrastination.
٢. إِلى اللَهِ أَشكو أَنَّ فَوزاً بَخيلَةٌ
تُعَذِّبُني بِالوَعدِ مِنها وَبِالمَطلِ
3. I see both our families wishing
My tie with her would become untied.
٣. وَأَنّي أَرى أَهلي جَميعاً وَأَهلَها
يَسُرُّهُمُ لَو بانَ مِن حَبلِها حَبلي
4. So my Lord, do not let any envious people gloat over us,
Spying on us from Fawz's folk or my own.
٤. فَيا رَبُّ لا تُشمِت بِنا حاسِداً لَنا
يُراقِبُنا مِن أَهلِ فَوزٍ وَلا أَهلي
5. There is no suspicion between us for them to spy upon,
Nor is any flaw cast upon her or me.
٥. وَما بَينَنا مِن ريبَةٍ فَيُراقِبا
وَلا مِثلُها يُرمى بِسَوءٍ وَلا مِثلي
6. I protect Fawz's rights and avoid
The eyes of backbiters, people of mean minds.
٦. وَإِنّي لَأَرعى حَقَّ فَوزٍ وَأَتَّقي
عَلَيها عُيونَ الكاشِحينَ ذَوي الخَتلِ
7. She and I, just as passion brought us together,
Are people of integrity, untouched by ignorance.
٧. وَإِنّي وَإِيّاها كَما شَفَّنا الهَوى
لَأَهلُ حِفاظٍ لا يُدَنَّسُ بِالجَهلِ
8. I've kept secret my love for her, yet it's common knowledge,
Like a fool beating drums beneath his clothes.
٨. وَإِنّي وَكِتماني هَواها وَقَد فَشا
كَذي الجَهلِ تَحتَ الثَوبِ يَضرِبُ بِالطَبلِ