
I blamed myself for blaming you

عتبت على نفسي لعتبي عليكم

1. I blamed myself for blaming you
And it did not harm anyone else, so know that, that blame

١. عَتَبتُ عَلى نَفسي لِعَتبي عَلَيكُمُ
وَما ضَرَّ غَيري فَاِعلَمي ذَلِكَ العَتبُ

2. So here I am, I have accepted to endure
For your sin, not because you sinned, but because it was my sin

٢. فَها أَنا هَذا قَد رَضيتُ تَحَمُّلاً
لَذَنبِكِ لا لَم تُذنِبي بَل لِيَ الذَنبُ

3. Passion permitted the sanctuary of my heart, so it degraded it
Oh, if only I were not created and love was not created

٣. أَباحَ حِمى قَلبي الهَوى فَأَذلَّهُ
أَلا لَيتَ لَم أُخلَق وَلَم يُخلَقِ الحُبُّ