1. We came to you though we were wroth,
To make peace, not keen to chide.
١. أَتَيناكُم وَقَد كُنّا غِضابا
نُصالِحُكُم وَما نَبغي العِتابا
2. We had held aloof from you but came
Back, since we could not abide
٢. وَقَد كُنّا اِجتَنَبناكُم فَعُدنا
إِلَيكُم حينَ لَم نُطِقِ اِجتِنابا
3. Estrangement. When did the unjust,
Once a letter comes, refuse reply?
٣. مَتى كانَت ظَلومُ إِذا أَتاها
كِتابٌ لا تَرُدُّ لَهُ جَوابا
4. The lover forgets me, tires of union;
He spurns messenger, message, and scribe.
٤. تَناساني الحَبيبُ وَمَلَّ وَصلي
وَصَدَّ فَلا رَسولَ وَلا كِتابا