
Tell Fawz to return my greetings,

قل لفوز ردي علي السلاما

1. Tell Fawz to return my greetings,
And answer me, desirous and worried.

١. قُل لِفَوزٍ رُدّي عَلَيَّ السَلاما
وَأَجيبي مُتَيَّماً مُستَهاما

2. If we had known that the fast which estranges you
Would make us fast, we would have avoided fasting.

٢. لَو عَلِمنا أَنَّ الصِيامَ الَّذي يُن
سيكُمُ وَصلَنا قَلَينا الصِياما

3. O you who turned away from me, and intended to break off,
And refused to let the connection continue.

٣. أَيُّها الشادِنُ الَّذي رامَ صَرمي
وَأَبى لِلوِصالِ أَن يُستَداما

4. We have known you for a long time,
So we knew you were one who cuts off relations.

٤. قَد عَرَفناكَ مُذ زَمانٍ وَدَهرٍ
فَعَرَفناكَ قاطِعاً ظَلّاما

5. By my life, if I could complain,
I would, but I cannot speak.

٥. وَلَعَمري لَوِ اِستَطَعتُ تَظَلَّم
تُ وَلَكِن لا أَستَطيعُ الكَلاما

6. When I did not visit you, I thought an hour was a month,
And a day was a year.

٦. كُنتُ إِذ لا أَزورُكُم أَحسَبُ السا
عَةَ شَهراً وَأَحسَبُ اليَومَ عاما

7. So today I have five days
Sad, shedding copious tears.

٧. فَلِيَ اليَومَ فَوزُ خَمسَةَ أَيّا
مٍ كَئيباً أُذري دُموعي سِجاما

8. Then you said the messenger was absent, so comfort yourself
Until he returns after a full month.

٨. ثُمَّ قُلتُم غابَ الرَسولُ فَعَزِّ النَ
فسَ حَتّى يَؤوبَ شَهراً تَماما

9. Can you bear that, O Fawz?
Indeed, you have intended my demise.

٩. أَتُطيقينَ ذاكَ إِن كانَ يا فَو
زُ لَقَد رُمتِ مِن هَلاكي المَراما

10. Whenever the messenger delayed,
I counted the days alone.

١٠. كُلَّما أَبطَأَ الرَسولُ تَفَرَّد
تُ بِنَفسي أُعَدِّدُ الأَيّاما