
She returned a gift I had sent her; if only

ردت علي هدية لو أنها

1. She returned a gift I had sent her; if only
She had sent me the like, I'd not have sent it back.

١. رَدَّت عَلَيَّ هَدِيَّةً لَو أَنَّها
بَعَثَت إِلَيَّ بِمِثلِها لَم أَردُدِ

2. She says, "I've given up my wanton ways -
So go your own good path, don't be misled."

٢. وَتَقولُ إِنّي قَد تَرَكتُ غَوايَتي
فَاِذهَب لِشَأنِكَ راشِداً لَم تُطرَدِ

3. Harsh words and threats against you I have heard
Uttered by brother and cousin of mine.

٣. قَد كُنتُ أَلقى مِن أَخي وَعُمومَتي
فيكِ الأَذى بِشَتيمَةٍ وَتَهَدُّدِ

4. But this day my falseness is proved short,
My soul mastered by your grace and patience.

٤. فَاليَومَ أَقصَرَ باطِلي وَتَراجَعَت
نَفسي لِّحُسنِ تَصَبُّري وَتَجَلُّدي

5. She cast my letters out, sent mine back,
And turned her lamp to the mosque for light.

٥. نَبَذَت مُكاتَبَتي وَرَجعَ رِسالَتي
وَتَنَوَّرَت مِصباحَها في المَسجِدِ

6. So my heart's cloven, as if by a spear,
In twain - one to hell, one heaven bent.

٦. فَكَأَنَّما شُقَّ الفُؤادُ بِمِديَةٍ
قِسمَينٍ مِنهُ لِغائِرٍ وَلِمُنجَدِ

7. If my blood's shed, and I've done no wrong,
Then thrive, serving God - be devout.

٧. إِن كانَ سَفكُ دَمي بِغَيرِ جِنايةٍ
يا فَوزُ مِنكِ عِبادَةً فَتَعَبّدي

8. For you try hearts more than she who tempted
David the prophet in days gone by.

٨. فَلَأَنتِ أَفتَنُ لِلقُلوبِ مِنَ الَّتي
عَرَضَت لِداوُدَ النَبِيِّ المُهتَدِ

9. When you live where planets auspicious
Have ruled the folk since time's dawn began,

٩. فَإِذا هَبَطتِ إِلى بِلادٍ لَم تَزَل
تَجري كَواكَبُ أَهلِها بِالأَسعُدِ

10. With the messenger I sent a letter;
I know it sounder than Hudhud's script.

١٠. وَلَقَد كَتَبتُ مَعَ الرَسولِ وَإِنَّني
لَأَراهُ أَنجَحَ مِن كِتابِ الهُدهُدِ

11. The letter went, and upon it stood:
"From Mutammim, son of Nu'man's son."

١١. ذَهَبَ الكِتابُ وَكانَ في عُنوانِهِ
هَذا مِن اِبنِ الأَحنَفِ بنِ الأَسوَدِ

12. She was grudging of even a greeting;
Her right hand would have withered, greeting me!

١٢. بَخِلَت بِإِرسالِ السَلامِ وَطِبُّها
لَو سَلَّمَت بِيَمينِها لَم تَجمُدِ

13. Days that would kill her, not seeing me,
Like cool water slaying hot thirst.

١٣. أَيّامَ تَقتُلُ شَوقَها بِزِيارَتي
كَالماءِ يَقتُلُ بَردَهُ عَطَشَ الصَدي

14. How often she mixed her spittle with mine,
Like turbid water stirred into clearness!

١٤. وَلَطالَما مَزَجَت بِريقي رِيقَها
كَالماءِ صُفِّقَ بِالسُلافِ المُزبَدِ

15. Her lips' flood would be my lips' flood,
The basin of her mouth mine to fill.

١٥. فَيكونُ مَورِدَها مَواردُ رِيقَتي
وَيَكونُ حَوضُ ثَنِيَّتَيها مَورِدي

16. I disown my love for you, yet my tears
Betray it, though I never confessed.

١٦. إِنّي لَأَجحَدُ حُبَّكُم وَأُسِرُّهُ
وَالدَمعُ مُعتَرِفٌ بِه لَم يَجحَدِ

17. My tears admit I'm your lover, though
None knows, however loud my words.

١٧. الدَمعُ يَشهَدُ أنّني لَكِ عاشِقٌ
وَالناسُ قَد عَلِموا وَإِن لَم يَشهدِ

18. If you spurned my messages and cursed me,
Still you were calling me "master dear"!

١٨. فَلَئِن رَدَدتِ رِسالَتي وَشَتَمتِني
فَلَطالَما نادَيتِني يا سَيِّدي

19. Days when your brother would waylay me, sword drawn,
His sword held me back, my hand held back his.

١٩. أَيّامَ يَرصُدُني أَخوكِ بِسَيفِهِ
وَالسَيفُ يَمنَعُني وَتَمنعُهُ يَدي

20. So ask your heart - how could it turn away
After following me, trained to my rein?

٢٠. فَسَلي فُؤادَكِ كَيفَ عاصَى بَعدَ ما
قَد كانَ يَتبَعُني ذَليلَ المِقوَدِ

21. Grey hairs I've gained, so long craving you;
I'm a fresh branch, sprouting late in life.

٢١. قَد شِبتُ مِن كَمَدٍ عَلَيكِ وَإِنَّني
لمُوَرِّقٌ غُصني حَديثٌ مَولِدي

22. My heart is tossed above the burning coal;
So hot it's flipped upon the kindling pile.

٢٢. وَكَأَنَّ قَلبي مِن حَرارَةِ ما بِهِ
أَمسى يُقَلَّبُ فَوقَ صَخرَةِ مَوقِدِ

23. The girls are eager to take my hand;
Without you, some might have won me over.

٢٣. وَأَرى الكَواعِبَ يَغتَنِمنَ وَسائِلي
لَولاكِ كانَ لِبَعضِهِنَّ تَوَدُّدي

24. I'm a man of gentle temper, my spirit
Set on plucking the virgin's soft breast.

٢٤. وَأَنا اِمرُؤٌ حُلوُ الشَمائِلِ هِمَّتي
في قَطفِ رُمّانِ الثُدِيِّ النُهَّدِ

25. The like of you is found if sought; but mine,
If you sought the like, would not be found.

٢٥. في الناسِ مِثلُكِ لو أَرَدتُ وَجَدتُهُ
لَو يُبتَغى مِثلي لَكُم لَم يُوجَدِ

26. Each dawn I'm torn by love for you,
Like a monotheist hurt by atheists' hands.

٢٦. إِنّي لَأُصبِحُ في جِهادٍ مِنكُمُ
كَمُوَحِّدٍ يُؤذيهِ دينُ المُلحِدِ

27. If I die, you'll wake to find yourself
A sinner - while I gain a martyr's place!

٢٧. فَلَئِن هَلَكتُ لَتُصبِحِنَّ أَثِيمَةً
وَلَأُرزَقَنَّ شَهادَةَ المُتَشَهِّدِ