1. A disobedient, sinful, stubborn rebel
Concealed his pleasure and displayed his anger
١. عاصٍ مُسيءٌ مُذنِبٌ مُتَعَتِّبٌ
أَخفى رِضاهُ وَأَظهَرَ الغَضَبا
2. I apologized to him for a sin against him
So he would show me his pleasure, but he refused
٢. إِني اِعتَذَرتُ إِلَيهِ مِن ذَنبٍ لَهُ
عِندي لِيُظهِرَ لي الرِضا فَأَبى
3. Is this not strange, O my brothers?
They said: Yes indeed, this is strange enough
٣. أَفَلَيسَ ذا يا إِخوَتي عَجَباً
قالوا بَلى فَكَفى بِذا عَجَبا