
O breeze, convey from us

بلغي يا ريح عنا

1. O breeze, convey from us
To the people of Baghdad, greetings

١. بَلِّغي يا ريحُ عَنّا
أَهلَ بَغدادَ السَلاما

2. By the one who forbade sleep to my eyes
And slumber to me

٢. بِأَبي مَن حَرَّمَ النَو
مَ عَلى عَيني وَناما

3. By the one whose heart was lit
With yearning and infatuation

٣. بِأَبي مَن أَضرَمَ القَل
بَ اشتياقاً وَهُياما

4. By the one who was preoccupied
With my nearness, enthralled

٤. بِأَبي مَن كانَ مَشغو
فاً بِقُربي مُستَهاما

5. So God ordained upon us
That we be separated and kept apart

٥. فَقَضى اللَهُ عَلَينا
أَن شَحَطنا وَأَقاما

6. Remind the one who does not forget you
Even if he meets other doves

٦. أُذكُري مَن لَيسَ يَنسا
كِ وَلَو لاقى الحِماما

7. Indeed, the one who sleeps, by my life
Thinks other people are sleeping

٧. إِنَّ مَن نامَ لَعَمري
يَحسَبُ الناسَ نِياما