
Opening the door of affliction with a glance,

ومستفتح باب البلاء بنظرة

1. Opening the door of affliction with a glance,
He gained lifelong sorrow from it.

١. وَمُستَفتِحٍ بابَ البَلاءِ بِنَظرَةٍ
تَزَوَّدَ مِنها حَسرَةً آخِرَ الدَهرِ

2. By God, he knows not what it did to his heart -
Whether it delighted or destroyed it, he knows not.

٢. فَوَاللَهِ ما يَدري أَتَدري بِما جَنَت
عَلى قَلبِهِ أَو أَهلَكَتهُ وَما تَدري

3. I pine for the moon when it rises,
Alas! Who can guide me to the moon?

٣. أَنا الهائِمُ المَشغوفُ بِالبَدرِ إِذ بَدا
وَهَيهاتَ مَن لي بِالسَبيلِ إِلى البَدرِ

4. My eyes could not sufficiently gaze,
With which I heal my heart and remedy my chest.

٤. وَما اِستَمكَنَت عَيني مِنَ النَظَرِ الَّذي
أُداوي بِهِ قَلبي وَأَشفي بِهِ صَدري

5. If my love for her were like she deserves,
I would have died - I have no other excuse.

٥. وَلَو كانَ حُبّيها كَما هِيَ أَهلُه
لَمُتُّ وَما لي غَيرُ ذَلِكَ مِن عُذرِ

6. My limbs betrayed me, so I could not
Bear the gravity of love, and love is grave.

٦. تَخاذَلَتِ الأَوصالُ مِنّي فَلَم أُطِق
نُهوضاً بِوَقرِ الحُبِّ وَالحُبُّ ذو وَقرِ

7. Yearning has power over tears, whenever
It calls them, they flow profusely, boundless and unchecked.

٧. وَلِلشَوقِ سُلطانٌ عَلى الدَمعِ كُلَّما
دَعاهُ تَداعى غَيرَ وانٍ وَلا نَزرِ
