1. I say my heart is wounded from being apart
O heart, have patience for the Able King
١. وَلَقَد أَقولُ وَشَفَّ قَلبي هَجرُهُ
يا قَلبِ صَبراً لِلمَليكِ القادِرِ
2. Leave superstitions, how many are superstitious
Whose superstition flows with good omens
٢. وَدَعِ التَطَيُّرِ كَم وَكَم مُتَطِيِّرٍ
يَجري تَطَيُّرُهُ بِأَيمَنِ طائِرِ
3. How many hearts we see of two different people
Who live a blossoming life yet are so different
٣. وَلَكَم نَرى قَلبَينِ مُختلِفَين مِن
نَفسَينِ قَد نَعِما بِعَيشٍ ناضِرِ
4. I've said this out of experience, you'll never find
One who knows better what the news-bearer has said
٤. إِنّي بِخُبرٍ قُلتُ ذاكَ وَلَن تَرى
أَدرى بِما قَد قالَهُ مِن خابِرِ