1. O Abu al-Fadl, O noble in purity
Why do you say that you are aloof?
١. يا أَبا الفَضلِ يا كَريمَ التَصافي
ما لِفَوزٍ تَقولُ إِنَّكَ جافِ
2. Fawz wrote in the book, then said
Reproaching yet gentling him too
٢. كَتَبَت في الكِتابِ فَوزٌ فَقالَت
في عِتابٍ مِنها وَفي إِلطافِ
3. We did not weary you when you wearied
You, O love, are wont to turn away
٣. ما مَلِلناكَ إذ مَلِلتَ وَلَكِن
أَنتَ يا حِبُّ صاحِبُ اِستِطرافِ
4. Thus the weary one among all the people
Is quick to come and quick to go
٤. وَكَذاكَ المَلولُ مِن سائِرِ النا
سِ سَريعُ الإِقبالِ وَالإِنصِرافِ
5. By God, Fawz did not weary, nor was
I to any folk but you genuine
٥. فَوزُ وَاللَهِ ما مَلِلتُ وَلا كُن
تُ لِقَومٍ سِواكُمُ بِالمُصافي
6. O you sleeping around me, congratulations
My side is far from my bed aloof
٦. أَيُّها الراقِدونَ حَولي هَنيئاً
إِنَّ جَنبي عَن مَضجَعي مُتَجافِ