
I am angry, though my anger

إني لغضبان وإن

1. I am angry, though my anger
Seems trivial to you.

١. إِنّي لَغَضبانُ وَإِن
هانَ عَلَيكُم غَضَبي

2. There will be no intercessor for you
When you read my writings.

٢. لا شافِعٌ يَحضُرُكُم
إِذا قَرَأتُم كُتُبي

3. Woe is me! I have no one
To whom I can complain of my sorrows.

٣. وَيلي وَلا لي ثِقَةٌ
أَشكو إِلَيهِ كُرَبي