
Whether you make me dwell or make me weep

أظاعنون فنبكي أم مقيمونا

1. Whether you make me dwell or make me weep
We are in oblivion of what you intend for us

١. أَظاعِنونَ فَنَبكي أَم مُقيمونا
إِنّا لَفي غَفلَةٍ عَمّا تُريدونا

2. I denied the affection you had for me that I did not know
You are not to me as you used to be

٢. أَنكَرتُ مَن وُدَّكُم ما كُنتُ أَعرِفُهُ
ما أَنتُمُ لي كَما كُنتُم تَكونونا

3. No evil with you is profitable, and no good either
So benefactors and malefactors are equal to you

٣. لا سَيءٌّ عِندَكُم يُغني وَلا حَسَنٌ
فَالمُحسِنونَ سَواءٌ وَالمُسيئونا

4. Do you deny my standing at your abode
Half the day, while the people of the house are sleeping?

٤. هَل تُنكِرون وُقوفي عِندَ دارِكُمُ
نِصفَ النَهارِ وَأَهلُ الدارِ هادونا

5. We complain of thirst, but not from lack of water
Rather from the heaviness of a heart that passed the night sad

٥. نَشكو الظَماءَ وَما نَشكوه عَن عَطَشٍ
لَكِن لِغُلَّةِ قَلبٍ باتَ مَحزونا

6. If our suffering benefits you, and your tormenting us delights you
Then give us more, increase it for us

٦. إِن كانَ يَنفَعُكُم ما تَصنَعونَ بِنا
وَسَرَّكُم طولُ ما نَلقى فَزيدونا

7. O my joy, your messenger did not really weary me
Until you wearied, though you did not use to weary us

٧. يا فَوزُ ما مَلَّني حَقّاً رَسولُكُم
حَتّى مَلِلتُم وَما كُنتُم تَمَلّونا

8. Nor did I take lightly any matter of mine that I esteemed
Until I saw you taking my matter lightly

٨. وَلا اِستَخَفَّ بِأَمرٍ لي أُعَظِّمُهُ
حَتّى رَآكُم بِأَمري تَستَخِفّونا

9. If I complained to a people for whom I killed a soul
They would weep for what I complain of

٩. لَو كُنتُ أَشكو إِلى قَومٍ قَتَلتُ لَهُم
نَفساً لَظَلّوا لِما أَشكوهُ يَبكونا

10. Yet you are the people of my love, I am impassioned with you
While my bones waste away and you do not care

١٠. وَأَنتُمُ أَهلَ وُدّي قَد شُغِفَتُ بَكُم
تَبلى عِظامي وَأَنتُم لا تُبالونا

11. It is as though, in the land, desire expels me
From the folk of Moses, those who wandered

١١. كَأَنَّني وَالهَوى في الأَرضِ يَطرُدُني
مِن قَومِ موسى الأُلى كانوا يَتيهونا

12. I have not passed by a people in their gatherings
Except I heard them wading into us

١٢. وَما مَرَرتُ بِقَومٍ في مَجالِسِهم
إِلاّ سَمِعتُهُمُ فينا يَخوضونا

13. And we entrusted our secrets to some
Who were like the sons of Jacob, betraying us

١٣. وَقَد أَمِنّا عَلى أَسرارِنا نَفَراً
كانوا كَأَولادِ يَعقوبٍ يَخونونا

14. Woe to the lovers! How miserable were their ancestors
If those who love like me are among the lovers

١٤. وَيحَ المُحِبّينَ ما أَشقى جُدودَهُمُ
إِن كانَ مِثلُ الَّذي بي بِالمُحِبّينا

15. They suffer in this world for their love
They attain through it neither worldly gain nor religion

١٥. يَشقونَ في هَذِهِ الدُنيا بِعِشقِهِمُ
لا يُدرِكونَ بِهِ دُنيا وَلا دينا

16. My heart is tender toward the people of passion?that
When they see me and what I face, they are tender

١٦. يَرِقُّ قَلبي لِأَهلِ العِشقِ أَنَّهُمُ
إِذا رَأَوني وَما أَلقى يَرِقّونا

17. I weep, and one like me wept for love of a maiden
To whom God put no softness for him in her heart

١٧. أَبكي وَمِثلي بَكى مِن حُبِّ جارِيَةٍ
لَم يَجعَلِ اللَهُ لي في قَلبِها لينا

18. O my joy, how many spiteful ones have I seen
Who deter you from me but are not obeyed

١٨. يا فوزُ كَم مِن ذَوي ضِغنٍ رَأَيتُهُمُ
يَنهَونَ عَنكِ وَلَكِن لا يُطاعونا

19. We do not care for them, since we trust in you
Whether they speak much or speak little

١٩. وَلا نُباليهِمُ إِذ قَد وَثِقتِ بِنا
أَيُكثِرونَ كَلاماً أَم يُقِلّونا