1. Who has not seen love's work within my flesh
Let him come see its wondrous traces plain
١. مَن كانَ لَم يَرَ فِعلَ الحُبِّ في بَدَني
فَليَأتِني يَرَ مِن آثارِهِ عَجَبا
2. How can I scheme against a man for whom
I've been afflicted, though he reaps all blame?
٢. كَيفَ اِحتِيالي لِإِنسانٍ بُليتُ بِهِ
يَجني الذُنوبَ فَإِن عاتَبتُهُ غَضِبا
3. He desires my contrary, so if I tasked him
To drink poison, he would not abstain
٣. يَهوى خِلافي فَلَو أَنّي أُكَلِفُهُ
عَلى الظَمّا مِنهُ شُربَ الماءِ ما شَرِبا
4. I weep for one who's wronged me, and I weep
For what has caused me grief, and for my heart gone astray
٤. أَبكي ظَلومَ وَأَبكي ما فُجِعتُ بِهِ
مِنها وَأَبكي عَلى قَلبي الَّذي ذَهَبا