1. You were my love, graced by affection,
So rest your eyes assured, and find comfort,
١. كُنتِ أَنتِ الهَوى وَزَيَّنَكِ الحُ
بُّ فَقَرّي عَيناً بِهِ وَاِطمَئِنّي
2. Know truly, this is a promise made,
A share destined for you by God through me,
٢. وَاِعلَمي أَنَّهُ مِنَ القَولِ حَقّاً
قِسمَةٌ خارَها لَكِ اللَهُ مِنّي
3. For you've gained in my heart a place,
That if you wished, would surpass all wishes.
٣. فَلَقَد نِلتِ في الفُؤادِ مَحَلاً
لَو تَمَنَّيتِ زادَ فَوقَ التَمنّي